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USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills Test Hotels: Chicago
Atlanta Chicago Houston Los Angeles Philadelphia

USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills Evaluation Collaboration (CSEC) Center in Chicago is located at 8501 West Higgins Road, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60631, near the O'Hare Intercontinental Airport.

Since the rush hour traffic in big cities is usually bad, you may want to stay in a hotel close to the test center or near the airport. There are several hotels within walking distance to the CSEC center:

  • Renaissance 9 minutes, 8500 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Chicago, IL 606319
  • Holiday Inn 8 minutes, 5615 N Cumberland Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631-2998
  • Marriott 8 minutes, 8535 West Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631
  • Garden Hotel 10 minutes, 8201 West Higgins Road, Chicago, IL 60631
Please book early to secure a hotel close to the CSEC center as popular ones frequently sold out.

Other hotels in this area are out of walking distance but still close (and their rates are often lower). Some hotels may offer you a free ride to the CSEC center (e.g. Conform Inn O'hare).

Safety Unlike in Houston, we did not survey the area around the test center. Based on the number of hotels around, it should be safe to walk for short distance during the day. However, it is always helpful to excise caution -- you can ask the hotel to give you a ride.

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Sleep well the night before, and you will get a good score!

  USMLE  |  Step 2 Clinical Skills
  Chicago hotel deals

Search Low Fare Flights to Chicago

CSEC Center - Atlanta
Two Crown Center
1745 Phoenix Boulevard, Suite 500 (5th Floor)
Atlanta, GA 30349

CSEC Center - Chicago
8501 West Higgins Road, Suite 600
Chicago, IL 60631

CSEC Center - Houston
400 North Sam Houston Parkway, Suite 700
Houston, TX 77060

CSEC Center - Los Angeles
100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 13th Floor
El Segundo, CA 90245

CSEC Center - Philadelphia
3624 Market Street, 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104

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* Best internet price guarantee applies to our "Save Rate Hotels" only. See FAQ for details.

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